Frequently asked questions

Why coaching?

If you are looking to change something, be it be more effective, learn new skills, be happier, want to career pivot or have other important goals in mind, then coaching could be a good option for you. Working in partnership with a coach will help you to set a course of action to positively move forward.

What is coaching? 

Our approach at Working Wonder is solutions focused, empowering you with a Wonder Mindset and Working Wisdom to achieve your goals.

Coaching is focused on creating the right conditions to learn and grow. It’s about creating a solid, equal working partnership between us and we would would together purely focused on your agenda. Working with a qualified coach empowers and enables you to unlock your potential and maximise your performance and most importantly, believe in yourself. Coaching enables you to move forwards and navigate change, empowering you to take action.

Our role as coaches is to empower you to find your own answers, and be your biggest cheerleaders as you find your path and set the direction.

How does coaching differ from mentoring?

Coaching is focused on creating an equal partnership working with you to unlock your potential, maximise your performance and determine a clear, accountable action plan.

A mentor is a less formal relationship, typically a senior trusted advisor who helps inform your thinking by providing answers and guidance (based on their more senior experience).

Coaching tends to be a more structured such a series of scheduled monthly sessions, rather than less formal ad hoc mentor meetings. A coach is 100% committed to working with you to determine a clear action plan.

Can I have a coach if I already have a mentor?

Absolutely! The two can be completely complimentary and can work alongside one another. You can also have more than mentor as each one can offer you different experience and advice. We do recommend you only commit to a relationship with one coach at a time to ensure focus and consistency.

How does coaching differ from therapy?

Coaching and therapy are different disciplines but coaching does use some of the same techniques and theories. Therapy tends to reflect back on your past whereas coaching considers past experiences but is forward-facing and focused on your future plans. We would strongly recommend talking to a medical expert if you are unsure.

I am currently in therapy, can I have coaching at the same time?

In theory yes but this is very much a personal decision and dependent on the individual. Coaching is 100% confidential and you have the option to only share what you are comfortable sharing about other aspects of your life. We would strongly recommend talking to a medical expert if you are unsure.

How much do your services cost?

For coaching, we charge per individual coaching session or offer a discounted rate if you book a block of sessions and a coaching programme.

For start-up consultancy and training programmes we charge via hourly or day rates.

Do get in touch via our Contact Us page and we would be happy to provide you with a quote.

what is our cancellation policy?

We do understand that sometimes work/life gets in the way and prevents you from attending a scheduled coaching session. We do however request a minimum of 24 hours notice if you do need to reschedule or cancel so that you can help us to organise our working time too. Please note that if you cancel with less than 24 hours notice you will be required to pay 50% of the session price to cover our costs.

With regards to the free sessions that we offer to anyone on maternity, paternity leave or experiencing fertility treatment, we would request that you respect our time in the same way. That said, the sessions are free and whilst there isn’t an associated cost, please note that we will not always be able to reschedule them should you cancel with less than 24 hours notice. Ultimately, we appreciate that everyone’s time is precious and we know that you do too.

Where can I find your official registered company information?

Right here! It is: Working Wonder Consultancy Ltd. Company number: 12195579. Registered at Companies House, Cardiff 9th Sept 2019. Registered office is in England and Wales. If you would like our company address please get in touch via our ‘contact us’ page on this website.